Adys Monthly Blog and Questions for you also as a Mentor
However what's more important is the legions of people, most of whom I will never meet, who thought to themselves;
"Well if a 24 1/2 stone chap can lose 8 stone in a year and complete the London marathon in a shade over 5 hours then I have no excuses to get up and get going!"
· Maybe one of them is you?
· Maybe you have already made a decision choose to shed a little (or a lot!) of weight and rediscover the joys of a fit and active lifestyle.
· Maybe you are looking for some encouragement, advice and a gentle but firm push to get you going
My overwhelming desire is to find the best ways to reach out and help you. Quite simply I want you to 'Go MAD!'.
For you to rediscover your natural body weight, shape and fitness you need the right...
· Mind-set : The desire, will and motivation to change your habits
· Activity : To increase your strength, overall fitness and flexibility
· Diet : Your body is a temple and to keep it upright it needs the right nourishment
Since completing the marathon I have found myself immersed into the exciting and somewhat bewildering diet and fitness industry. I continually listen to the experts and have surrounded myself with the right team to offer you the best advice, support and education.
Now I am glad to say 'We're ready' and I am very excited to be able to offer you a full range of services to suit your time, lifestyle and budget. These are briefly described in question 9 on the survey we are going to ask you to complete in a moment.
So far we have shared with you insights into my journey via 'Ady's tips'. I hope that you have found these useful.
Now we have so much more to offer!
Weight, fitness and body shape (along with money and personal relationships) are probably the most sensitive subjects anyone can discuss; especially when you are unhappy with your present condition. I know, I have been there!
We know that your own start point and route back to your ideal weight and fitness will be unique to you and deeply personal.
So we'd like to start a PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL conversation with you about where you are now and what you want to achieve.
If your current diet and fitness regime is delivering the results you want then you have no need of our support. And of course that's fine too. Please keep receiving our e-shots with our complements.
Also if you are uncomfortable completing the survey then please let us know how best to contact you and I or one of my team will give you a call for a PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL conversation.
Simply e-mail me and we'll be in touch.
So there you have it, we are truly ready to help you so let us know what you want and we'll be in touch to help you 'get up, get going and go the distance'.
In 2015 at our fitness centre in Sudbury, Suffolk we are running our first Taster Boot camps, Ady's style and not forgetting our top PT trainer Dan; a check-up from the neck up.. And down. In just 5 hours we'll introduce you to a range of fun exercises and diet choices to help you get up, get going and go the distance!
E-mail me Here for details or find me on Facebook.
As a weight loss mentor I will be along with Dan will be sharing our thoughts of a mentor and also a pt. trainer from Body Comp here in Sudbury, you will have useful points from our pt's and also me, we don’t support weight loss through a milk shake or through buying a food product! just through good healthy eating and hard training for the results that’s perfect for you.
We can work a program designed and supported from us both to get you off the sofa and creating lifetime challenges like Marathons, and other great athletic and sporting events that once was just a dream that can become reality if you can allow me to share my passion and Dan’s passion to help you become great!
After the incredible experience of completing the 2013/2014 and soon the 2015 Virgin London marathon you may know that I have been swamped with media interviews and giving talks about the event and run up to it. The praise from family and friends and indeed from countless new people who came across my story has been quite humbling.